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Pathway to Peace, Day 1

Philippians 4:4 – Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice.

Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet Habakkuk gave us an example of rejoicing in the Lord at all times. Having been told that God would deal with Israel’s injustice by sending them to Babylon as captives, the prophet was understandably shaken as he considered the horrors he and his people would face. Yet God’s promise of judgment was accompanied by a promise of blessing and restoration, and in Habakkuk 3, the prophet gave testimony of his faith in the Lord as his source of joy.

Though there are certainly many circumstances in which we cannot be happy as Christians, we can always in the Lord and delight in him. Robert Lightner reminds us that the Apostle Paul himself “was an excellent example of one who had inner joy when external circumstances–such as persecution, imprisonment, the threat of death–were against him.” In fact, Paul wrote the book of Philippians while he himself was imprisoned and suffering great hardship, yet even in prison Paul rejoiced and delighted in the Lord.

Are you delighting in the Lord at all times? Today, ask the Lord to help you find gladness, contentment, satisfaction, and peace as you focus your heart and mind on him.

Scriptures to read: Habakkuk 3:1-19