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P Vawter

Understanding the Modern Self, Some Concluding Thoughts

Many would say that we have simply moved to the “right” side of history, but as Christians who are bound to an ethic expressed in the unchanging truth of Scripture, we receive such a claim with more than a little bit of skepticism.

two yellow flowers surrounded by rocks

Pro-life and the Origin of Life

The pro-life position is based, not on a sentimental desire to protect and preserve the lives of infants in the womb, but on this view of life as ordained by God.

Understanding the Modern Self, Part 4

The therapeutic need of the individual – his psychological health and well-being – have become most important, and all of society, even the law, must give way to it.

Understanding the Modern Self, Part 3

It is no longer enough to simply allow consenting adults the freedom to do as they please in their private lives, because sex has become a public activity, a significant part of how we think about and communicate individual identity.

Understanding the Modern Self, Part 2

It is still considered good for a man to suppress his authentic self, if that self includes a desire for rape and murder. And there is little if any concern as to the damage one might to do himself by suppressing those desires. But if a man feels that he is not at home in his body, and is truly a woman, our society tells him that it would be harmful and even immoral in some sense to continue to live inauthentically as a man.