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woman placing her finger between her lips

Women Must Keep Silence?

The same is true when it comes to prophecy. Two or three prophets should speak, and then the church is to weigh what is said, since it was always possible that someone claiming to speak by the Holy Spirit was mistaken or even duplicitous.

close up shot of a woman praying

Praying, Prophesying, and Head Coverings

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F. F. Bruce notes, “That there was liberty in the church (for it is church order, not private or domestic devotion, that is in view here) for women to pray or prophesy is necessarily implied by Paul’s argument: he does not suggest that there is anything undesirable about their doing so…., but requires them to do so with their heads covered.”

grayscale photography of four women wearing clothes

What About Christian Women?

Women are essential in building up the church through their service and disciple-making, and that they may have opportunity to help teach and guide even other Christian ministers in the truths of the gospel.

a close up shot of a sefer torah

The New Covenant & Premillennialism

Jeremiah plainly states that the new covenant will be made with the houses of Israel and Judah, but he does not say that it is limited only to the one ethnic people to the exclusion of all others.

sun hiding behind clouds

Kingdom of…What Now?

In his discussion of the Davidic covenant and especially the New Testament’s teaching on the kingdom, Ryrie attempts to distinguish the terms kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God.