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Bible interpretation

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The Cup of Divination?

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It is entirely possible that Joseph, while he was living in Egypt and elevated to a place of nobility, adopted the practice of divination. This may be attributed to the influence of his wife, Asenath, whose father was an Egyptian priest.


Were the Apostles Infallible?

The apostles were responsible for producing the bulk of the New Testament Scriptures, and in this ministry they were carried along by the Holy Spirit in such a way that their writings were God-breathed. But this does not mean that the apostles themselves, by virtue of their office or gift, were incapable of making mistakes.

Pastor's Book Review Logo

Book Review: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism

The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism represents Hummel’s attempt to explain how this system of theology spread through virtually all levels of society and culture and fell into relative insignificance in the span of less than two hundred years. However, his arguments are too often based on insufficient or selectively edited evidence to be compelling.

a close up shot of a sefer torah

The New Covenant & Premillennialism

Jeremiah plainly states that the new covenant will be made with the houses of Israel and Judah, but he does not say that it is limited only to the one ethnic people to the exclusion of all others.

sun hiding behind clouds

Kingdom of…What Now?

In his discussion of the Davidic covenant and especially the New Testament’s teaching on the kingdom, Ryrie attempts to distinguish the terms kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God.