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Unpacking John Rich and Tucker Carlson’s Discussion on Revelation Song, Part 2

He obviously believes that this was something given to him by God himself, that he has been raised up to his position of popularity to be able to disseminate this word of warning to mankind prior to Christ’s return. However, since his own description does not appear to be consistent with the way the biblical writers spoke of the process by which they received and preached the prophetic word, I find it highly unlikely that this is the case with the song Revelation.

books on marble table

Deciding What to Read

A large majority of those books are not worth reading at all, but even the ones that are worth your time exceed the number of books you can possibly read in a lifetime! And millions more will be published next year. You’re going to have to choose what books to spend your time on.

danger sign at a beach

Is Jesus Calling or Someone Else?

If we seek to have an experience that is more real or more trustworthy to our minds than the promises of Scripture, we are in danger of setting aside Scripture altogether and of seeking another gospel.