Outrage and Hypocrisy
This week the world learned about attacks on the State of Israel perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas over the weekend. These attacks are… Read More »Outrage and Hypocrisy
This week the world learned about attacks on the State of Israel perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas over the weekend. These attacks are… Read More »Outrage and Hypocrisy
The righteous man, though he appears to be alone, is actually being supported by the strength of the Lord, and so he will not fall, though an army come against him. To be righteous with little is undoubtedly better than to be rich but stand in opposition to God!
One day all the world will worship the Lord. What a day that will be!
“Beward, I am against you.” When the Lord says this, we ought to sit up and take notice. It is a message of fear and of hope at the same time.
It’s a scene that is familiar to most Christians and many who don’t claim to follow Christ: a righteously angry Jesus making a whip from… Read More »Jesus Cleanses the Temple