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person holding test tubes

Ethics of IVF

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Our actions toward human embryos must be guided by the principles of love for God and for our neighbor. If the embryo is my human neighbor, then I am duty-bound to protect each one from harm.

family walking on path

What’s the Deal with IVF?

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It has almost become a race to see which is the most pro-IVF political party. The truth, even media fact-checkers have acknowledged, is a bit more complicated, but the impact of this being turned into a political issue is that the ethical questions are either ignored or clouded with even more emotional baggage. And anything that involves human reproduction is already going to be fraught with emotion.

two yellow flowers surrounded by rocks

Pro-life and the Origin of Life

The pro-life position is based, not on a sentimental desire to protect and preserve the lives of infants in the womb, but on this view of life as ordained by God.