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P Vawter

Echoes from Emmanuel, Vol. 2, No. 11 (Nov 1978)

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David speaks in Psalm 103:1,2: “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” Each of us must plan now how to make our Thanksgiving more meaningful and how to “forget not all His benefits.”

family walking on path

What’s the Deal with IVF?

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It has almost become a race to see which is the most pro-IVF political party. The truth, even media fact-checkers have acknowledged, is a bit more complicated, but the impact of this being turned into a political issue is that the ethical questions are either ignored or clouded with even more emotional baggage. And anything that involves human reproduction is already going to be fraught with emotion.

person holding white envelope

Jesus, Sent and Sender

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Jesus came to bear witness to the Father’s word in the world, and the men and women who first received that word have in turn delivered it to us.

man in muscle back view

Parents’ Rights in Nature

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If a parent’s authority is derived from his greater physical strength, then it is merely rule by force. If such is the only basis for authority, then one could reasonably conclude that the state has greater authority than parents over their children because the state is more powerful and has greater resources to compel obedience.