Spiritual Gifts and the Sufficiency of Scripture
The promotion of miraculous gifts and revelatory experiences such as visions and dreams, attacks and undermines the sufficiency of Scripture.
The promotion of miraculous gifts and revelatory experiences such as visions and dreams, attacks and undermines the sufficiency of Scripture.
The first argument in favor of the continuation of miraculous gifts is that the New Testament never plainly states that the gifts would cease during the church age. If one gift has come to an end without a direct statement that it would, then there is no reason to think that the others cannot also have ceased sometime after the founding of the church.
The Bible records that all of mankind is like winter – dead, waiting to be brought to life by the light and warmth of Jesus. You see, we are all sinners before God, none of us are any good. We have all gone our own way and by choice are separated from God and His life.
“Let Insights Drive Your Strategies” is the subheading of the introduction in Lynne Jackson’s ebook helping kids with ANGER published Connected Families. This book and… Read More »Book(let) Review: Helping Kids with Anger, Part 3
What’s good in the ebook helping kids with ANGER published by a ministry called Connected Families and authored by Jim and Lynne Jackson? There are… Read More »Book(let) Review: Helping Kids with Anger, Part 2