Looking for a Fight?
No one ever said that wisdom was easy. Godly wisdom involves maturity, self-control, and the fear of the Lord. If it was easy, everyone would be wise, but the world is full of rebels who daily oppose the Creator’s wisdom.
No one ever said that wisdom was easy. Godly wisdom involves maturity, self-control, and the fear of the Lord. If it was easy, everyone would be wise, but the world is full of rebels who daily oppose the Creator’s wisdom.
There are many ways to rationalize going toe-to-toe with strangers (or acquaintances) online who are stirring up trouble. Still, experience teaches us that these kinds of keyboard wars rarely end with anyone repenting of speaking falsehoods or admitting they were wrong about us or our position.
For Dawkins, the fact that a computer program might be conscious, is sufficient reason to act with caution in applying the ethics of personhood to a machine, but the fact that a human child is developing in his mother’s womb is not sufficient cause to apply personal ethics to him.
It is entirely possible that Joseph, while he was living in Egypt and elevated to a place of nobility, adopted the practice of divination. This may be attributed to the influence of his wife, Asenath, whose father was an Egyptian priest.
It turns out things get more complicated the further we are removed from the natural means of procreation, which is the sexual union of a man and a woman.